Sunday, August 24, 2008

WaterFire Providence

While visiting my Designer friends in New England, I was lucky enough to attend a "WaterFire" event on Saturday night in Providence, Rhode Island. The artist, Barnaby Evans  created the event which consists of  fires burning on the rivers after dark, while esoteric music is played, creating a visceral experience for the thousands of onlookers. An incredible experience. Several other cities have licensed the rights, and put on the event in their towns.

Monday, August 18, 2008

My trip to Switzerland

This week I am taking off on a trip to Boston, followed by Switzerland, and have a wonderful book to read and study on the plane; " I'd rather be in the studio" by Alyson B. Stanfield. Alyson is a Colorado based art coach and has some very useful suggestions on marketing and staying organized. Check out her Web site at 

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summer Splash 2008

last night I attended the opening of the Colorado Springs Arts Guild art show. Local artists were showing their work, one of my friends Laura Gangi Pond was showing two pieces of photography; I particularly liked the cowboy image. The venue was the Warehouse Restaurant and Gallery where a few of us had a really good dinner and a lot of laughs after the show. 
I usually exhibit my work at national design shows, but some of my pieces could transition into fine art as "mixed media".